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Laser Genesis


As we all get older, our skin begins to show the passage of time. How much our skin changes is largely dependent on not just our skin type, but also how well we have taken care of our skin over the years. Do you use sunscreen? Do you like to sunbath? These are just some of the factors that ultimately determine the amount of sun damage, scarring, redness, fine lines and wrinkles your skin will begin to show as you age. Truth be told, it really does not take much to damage one’s skin over time. Unfortunately, as we all age, the more visible these skin changes become. Although we are all well aware of these skin changes that come with age, we all seem to deal with them in our own unique way. Some of us get all stressed out the very first time we see that initial sign of aging. While others manage to just take it all in stride.

But what if there was something you could actually do to slow down that aging process? Would you do it? Are you the one who always says that you do not have the time? Or, it is too expensive?

The Cutera Xeo genesis laser at STL Vein and Cosmetics may be the solution to your aging problems.

The Cutera Xeo genesis laser works by gently applying pulses of laser energy onto the skin. These bursts of laser energy stimulate the development of collagen within the dermis of the skin to give the skin a smoother and more youthful appearance. It is this new collagen that helps to accelerate the skin’s own natural regenerative process. The laser genesis treatment only takes about half an hour, and has no down time. Many people find that the treatment is very much like having a relaxing facial massage during your lunch break. Afterwards, you can head right back to work with a warm facial glow. It is undoubtedly the perfect treatment for those people who just can’t find time for themselves in their busy lives.

The genesis laser helps to minimize any unwanted lines or scars, facial redness, and even those brown spots you find on your body. Following treatment, many patients feel like they have a more youthful appearance. They find that they have an increased confidence in the way they look and feel. Like the old adage goes, “when you look great, you feel great.” The Cutera Xeo genesis laser provides the best of both worlds. It makes you look better and feel better too, all in a small package.

STL Vein and Cosmetics wants everyone to look and feel good about themselves. We should all be allowed to age the way we want. Some people age gracefully while others fight tooth and nail to slow that aging process down. Give yourself the best chance to win that perpetual battle with father time. Call STL Vein and Cosmetics today for a free consultation and take your first steps towards a new and younger you.

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